There aren’t enough television shows that make good use of the banjo in their opening song, but The Daytripper with Chet Gardner definitely does. Daytripper plays on Texas PBS, and it features Chet and his crew taking daytrips to all kinds of towns in Texas. Along the way, you get Texas history facts, dad jokes, and some really good food recommendations. Daytripper is very enjoyable, even if you’re not anywhere close to Texas.
Daytripper episodes are just under 30 minutes long, and they’re as full as a Texas breakfast taco. Chet is an entertaining host who is always wearing a great hat and is not unwilling to make an episode funnier with a goofy costume. He seems to love all foods and he’s good at engaging the people wherever he is. He always brings in some history, visiting a local museum or showcasing the old downtown. And you often get a few minutes of the crew in the car, enjoying some camaraderie and offering up some good banter. The show is fun for adults, but it’s very family friendly and appropriate for all ages.
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