Your Favorite Writers Aren't "Brave"

Recently, I was scrolling Twitter and saw someone post something like “I’m attracted to [some hot button culture war issue] because you can lose your livelihood for speaking out on it.” This was a writer who had done well for himself taking the anti-woke position on everything. I found this amusing, as I couldn’t remember a single instance of this individual ever challenging his fans by telling them something they didn’t want to hear. Yet here he was, implying that he was doing something tough and brave. I almost responded along these lines but then said forget it.

I’ve come to realize that many people define “brave” to mean “says things that I agree with.” I’ve previously argued that Liz Cheney clearly showed political courage over the last few years. Here was a woman who, probably for reasons of affirmative action and nepotism, became the third highest ranking Republican in Congress shortly after getting elected. For the rest of her life, she would’ve been at least a congressional leader, and probably at some point a plausible VP pick or cabinet secretary.

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