What does it mean today to be a “man”? With woke culture seemingly infiltrating and suffusing every aspect of our lives, it’s very tricky business. But fatherhood is even trickier. If masculinity is being targeted, it is the institution of fatherhood that’s in the bulls-eye. As society has rightly broached the institution of family inclusivity, the traditional role of a family patriarch has been severely denigrated. The thread of virtue that fathers had woven into the tapestry of Western civilization over generations has been quickly yanked out by radical, fourth-wave feminists, mindless pop culture memes, and a broken family law system. As the appreciation of fathers dwindles, fatherlessness has grown to epidemic proportions that few are willing to admit.
Today, more than a third of children in America live absent their biological father. According to dozens of prominent sources, these children are at a greater risk of facing difficulty in their lives according to just about every conceivable metric. They are, for example, more likely to use drugs, experience abuse, or go to prison. They are twice as likely to drop out of high school and much more likely to live in poverty. They are seven times more likely to become pregnant as teens. Children who grow up with fathers in the home have stronger cognitive skills, better health, more confidence, and—counter to the progressive narrative—more empathy.
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